Local Rules

To be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf

Abnormal Course Conditions

(including immovable obstructions) Rule 16.1

Artificially surfaced paths and roads.

All stakes, bunker rake holders, distance posts, power poles and cables, irrigation control boxes, sign posts, seats, buildings, water installations including sprinklers and spray, green plastic turf matting, all tee signs and sponsor advertising.

Integral Objects

Areas of wood-chips, course water drainage ruts, bark and dirt paths (individual wood-chips are Loose Impediments).

All gardens and plantings of native grasses in the General Area are deemed to be integral objects unless specifically listed as a No Play Zone below.

Immovable Obstructions

(e.g. sprinkler heads) Close to putting green – line of play interference Rule 16.1b applies to immovable obstructions close to putting greens.

In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists if an immovable obstruction is on the player’s line of play and is within two club-lengths of the putting green of the hole being played and is within two club-lengths of the ball.

The player may take relief without penalty as per Rule 16.1b. (Exception – There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable).

Bunker Washaways

Washaways in bunkers (a channel caused by water erosion)

Relief may be taken under Rule 16.1c.

Movable Obstructions – rule 15.2 Rope barriers and metal hoops placed around greens and other areas in the General Area to protect fairway/greens areas are to be treated as Movable Obstructions and relief without penalty may be taken as per Rule 15.2a.

Ball deflected By Power lines

If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit a power line or pole, the stroke does not count. The player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made – refer Rule 14.

Penalty Area no Play Zones

The Practice Range defined by Red and Green Stakes is a No Play Zone. When a ball is in the No Play Zone within the Penalty Area, the ball must not be played as it lies and relief must be taken under penalty of one stroke at the Dropping Zone under Rule 17.1e (Note: when playing the 3rd hole, relief must be taken under Rule 17.1e).

All dams defined by Red and Green Stakes are No Play Zones. Relief must be taken under penalty of one stroke as per Rule 17.1e.

The Driveway and Car Park areas defined by white chain fences and Red and Green Stakes. Relief must be taken under penalty of one stroke as per Rule 17.1e.

Abnormal Course Condition

The Clubhouse area paving and garden beds adjacent to the 18th green and 1st tee – Relief must be taken without penalty at the Dropping Zone.

All staked trees are No Play Zones and are Ground Under Repair – Relief must be taken without penalty as per Rule 16.1f.

The turf nursery between the 8th and 13th holes is a No Play Zone – Relief must be taken without penalty as per Rule 16.1f.

Dropping Zone

When a Dropping Zone is marked with a ‘Drop Post’ the relief area is a radius of two club lengths in any direction from the post.

Coloured Stakes:

Red – Indicate Penalty Areas

White – Indicate Ground Under Repair

Green – Indicate No Play Zones

Red and Green – Indicate No Play Zone Penalty Areas

Penalty for Breach of local rule – Is the General Penalty (Stroke Play – 2 strokes, Match Play – loss of hole)

Suspension / Resumption of Play

(rules 5.7B And 5.7C)

ONE prolonged note of the siren: Immediate Stop

TWO short notes of siren: Resume Play


Abnormal Course Conditions – NO PLAY ZONE (Left-hand side of 7th and 8th fairways)

  • The area defined by GREEN STAKES on the left-hand sides of the 7th and 8th fairways are NO PLAY ZONES and must be treated as abnormal course conditions.
  • Free relief MUST be taken without penalty under Rule 16.1.f.
  • The ball must be dropped on the nearest point of relief (see Rule 16.1b) from the NO PLAY ZONES on the FAIRWAY SIDE of the respective zone.

Abnormal Course Condition: Bird Damage

  • If your line of putt is affected by damage to the greens by birds, you may take free relief under Rule 16.1d.
  • Free relief may be taken by placing a ball on the spot of the nearest point of complete relief.
  • Interference does not exist if the repaired damage only interferes with the player’s stance.
  • Note: “The line of play is not necessarily a straight line between two points.”

Irrigation Works – Ground Under Repair

  • Any damage caused by irrigation contractors during installation or reinstatement is treated as Ground Under Repair.
  • Includes vehicular tread-marks, trench levelling, non-reinstated surfaces, holes, turf sods, machine-damaged areas, loose soil, seams of new turf, and adjacent unrepaired areas.
  • Free relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1a.

Relief Area:

  • Reference point: The nearest point of complete relief in the general area.
  • Size of Relief Area: One club length, within these limits:
    • Must be in the general area.
    • Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point.
    • Must provide complete relief from interference.

Tree Stumps

  • Tree stumps marked with a white stripe are immovable obstructions.
  • Free relief may be taken under Rule 16.1a.

Relief from Tree Roots in Fairways

  • If a ball is in the general area (cut to fairway height or less) and there is interference from exposed tree roots, the tree roots are treated as Ground Under Repair.
  • Free relief may be taken under Rule 16.1b.

Aeration Holes & Scarification Marks

  • Free relief may be taken from an aeration hole or scarification mark in the general area or on the putting green.

Contact the Proshop if you require assistance. If unable to contact the shop, play 2 balls and seek clarification when can.